Ivy Bank Primary School’s Attendance pages are guides to help parents/carers understand their responsibilities in regards to attendance and punctuality at school and the legal consequences surrounding non-attendance.
Attendance at Ivy Bank is one of our key priorities and we are absolutely committed to making sure that every child is successful at school. Research has shown that consistently good school attendance is at the heart of children realising their full potential.
We know that we need to work together with parents/carers to support our children to attend school and to be successful. Most parents/carers already work hard to make sure their children attend school regularly. We want all parents/carers to help their children in this way by making sure they attend school every day and arrive on time. Doing this will ensure that your child feels confident, up to date with learning, and up to date with their circle of friends.
One of the most important things you can do for your child’s future is to make sure they go to school every day unless illness prevents it. Missing school means missing out. The more a child misses, the harder it is for them to go back.
Below you will find useful links to all our pages relating to Attendance at Ivy Bank. You will find our Attendance Policy, useful guides for our parents/carers, information about parent/carers legal responsibilities around school attendance and much more. At the end of the last academic year the law on penalty notices for unauthorised absence changed. Further information on the new legislation can be found under the attendance tab 'what the law says'.
“Education is the passport to the future, and attendance is the stamp that gets you there"
The Importance of Regular School Attendance
If Your Child is Absent
What the Law Says
Leave of Absence in Term-Time
Support and Monitoring Systems
Is my child well enough to attend school?
February 2025 Ivy Bank's attendance policy is currently being ratified and will be published soon ....