School Meals
Please click on the link below to see our lunch time menus - we operate a three week rolling menu. These can be viewed by clicking the links towards the bottom of this page.
We ask that parents pre-order lunches via Arbor up to a term in advance and changes can be made upto the day before. This is so that valuable learning time is not lost in the classroom while completing lunch registers.
The cost of a school meal is £2.40 per day. Children in EYFS2 (reception) and KS1 receive universal free school meals.
If your child has any allergies a Special Diet Request Form must be completed by parents and returned to Mellors. Contact details are in the parent pack attached.
A copy of this form, along with frequently asked questions, can be found in the "Files for download" section.
Payments for school dinners can be made by using our Arbor system.