Ivy Bank Primary School Logo Illuminating ValuableYears, Building and NurturingKnowledge



Thursday 9th January- Online learning

Live lesson 1:15pm - 2:00pm: The live lesson will focus on phonics, specifically the 'wh' sound. In fluency, we will be reading the book 'The Monster on the Train.' The PowerPoint is attached to this page if you are unable to attend the live lesson.

Maths: In Maths, the children will be starting our new topic on shapes. In this lesson, they will explore and recognise 2D shapes. This is a pre-teaching lesson where students will review their learning from Reception. Please complete the starter quiz, watch the video and then complete the exit quiz.

Link: Oak National Academy Lesson

Mastering number: By the end of year 1, children need to be fluent with doubling numbers within ten. Using Hit the Button, children can play the interactive doubling game to support their development in this area.

Link: Hit the Button

Reading: After the live lesson, read 'The Monster on the Train' to a family member, focusing on reading with expression and fluency. Find the book attached to think page.

History: In history, children will begin their new historical enquiry project: "How Am I Making History?". Please complete the sheet and share your answers with us either on the sheet or via email. Find the worksheet attached to this page. Have fun investigating your past!

Friday 10th January – Online learning


Live lesson 1:15-2:00pm:  The live lesson will focus a grow the code phonics lesson, specifically ‘ou’ and ‘oe’ making the ‘oa’ sound. In fluency, we will be reading the book ‘Extinct Monsters’. The PowerPoint is attached to this page if you are unable to attend the live lesson.


Maths: In this lesson, they will continue to explore the topic of shape. Please complete the starter quiz, watch the video and then complete the exit quiz.




Reading: After the live lesson, read ‘Extinct Monsters’ to a family member, focussing on reading with expression and fluency. Find the book attached to this page.



Activity 1: By the end of year 1, children need to be able to spell most of the year 1 common exception words.  Complete the worksheet by rewriting each common exception word with the correct spelling.

Activity 2:This half-term we will continue to focus on children accurately writing sentences which contain capital letters, word spaces and full stops. Can your child read these sentences and then write each one correctly. REMEMBER names start with a capital letter.


If you are unable to print these activities, please complete them on a scrap piece of paper or discuss the answers with a member of your family.


Ivy Bank Primary School

Valley Road Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 8PB

Mrs Sarah Gill | Headteacher

01625 448014
