Ivy Bank Primary School Logo Illuminating ValuableYears, Building and NurturingKnowledge

Personal Social Health Education (incl. RSE)

At Ivy Bank Primary School, we ensure that our children experience a broad and balanced curriculum. An essential and extensive part of this curriculum is encompassed within the teaching of wider curriculum subjects, in addition to the core subjects. Our curriculum inspires our children to become inquisitive, critical thinkers. In addition, our curriculum is designed to be progressive and cohesive throughout the school, ensuring that children continuously build upon their prior knowledge and bridge back to what they already know to help them to know more and remember more. 

To offer a diverse Personal, Social, Health and Economic education which aims to inspire our  children to become curious and open—minded and confident individuals. We aim to provide the children with the knowledge that will enable them to make informed decisions about their wellbeing, health and relationships and to build their self-efficacy. Pupils can also put this knowledge into practice as they develop the capacity to make sound decisions when facing risks, challenges and complex contexts. 

Further to this, Ivy Bank acknowledges and utilises the definitions of sex education as stated in the DfE guidance document ‘Sex Education and Relationship Education Guidance’ (ref DfEE 0116/2000) which states SRE is: ‘…lifelong learning about physical, moral and emotional development. It is about understanding the importance of marriage for family life, stable and loving relationships, respect, love and care. It is also about the teaching of sex, sexuality and sexual health.’The teaching of sex and relationship education is taught within our Personal, Social and Health Education Curriculum. It is also delivered through other subject areas such as Science, PE and discrete curriculum time, for example, our assemblies. We ensure that the knowledge and understanding of our curriculum is accessible to all children, where amendments and provisions are in place to support our pupils as appropriate.

Our chosen scheme of work to deliver the PSHE curriculum (including statutory Relationship and Health Education) is Jigsaw. Below, you will find documents from the Department for Education (DfE) and Jigsaw, which will give you further information about the curriculum.

Department for Education - A guide for parents

Jigsaw - Content Overview

Jigsaw - Approach to PSHE

Jigsaw - Approach to RSE

Jigsaw - LGBTQ Relationships

We pride ourselves on our ability to ensure that all children, who form part of the Ivy Bank community, are able to access resources that promote regulation of emotions and mindset. To aid children in fostering an awareness of emotions that may arise in different contexts, as well as finding strategies to cope and manage those, 'calm corners' or something similar can be found in classrooms. We feel it is important to provide a safe space for children to identify and regulate their emotions, reflecting on how these may present in behaviour choices. Our PSHE scheme (Jigsaw) also explicitly teaches appropriate strategies to overcome conflicts, for example, which has been beneficial for many children across the school.

Our PSHE lead is Miss Churchill. Should you have any queries about our curriculum offer in relation to this subject, please email her on jchurchill@ivybank.cheshire.sch.uk.


Ivy Bank Primary School

Valley Road Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 8PB

Mrs Sarah Gill | Headteacher

01625 448014
