Ivy Bank Primary School follows the National Curriculum for Key Stages One and Two and the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum for the children in reception and nursery. We aim to develop a modern curriculum that inspires and challenges all learners and prepares then for the future.
Equal Opportunities: Ivy Bank believes that everyone in our community - pupils and adults - have the right to be treated fairly and with respect by everyone within the school. We aim for Ivy Bank to be a safe, supportive place, where all children and adults feel valued as individuals, whatever their ability, age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy & maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation. The school aims to foster the social and personal skills of cooperation, sharing and mutual respect.
SEND: We recognise and celebrate the individuality of each pupil and provide equal opportunity for every child to shine. Our aim is to provide high quality, inclusive teaching to all our pupils using Quality First Teaching strategies and personalised teaching. The support provided to an individual child or young person should always be based on a full understanding of their particular strengths and needs.