Remote Education and COVID 19 Information
The information in the document 'Remote Learning Education Provision at Ivy Bank' found lower down on this page, is intended to provide clarity and transparency to pupils and parents or carers about what to expect from remote education where national or local restrictions require entire cohorts (or bubbles) to remain at home.
For details of what to expect where individual pupils are self-isolating, please see the final section of this page.
We appreciate that this is a new way of learning and so have support available through the staff and also offer technical support through our IT technician, who can be contacted by families on
'Living with Covid-19' can into force and so from April 2022; Cheshire East have published a toolkit for schools and settings to follow.
The advice for Cheshire East schools and settings:
- Continue to implement good infection prevention and control measures
- Be aware of staff and pupil absence and illness via usual attendance monitoring system
- Remain alert to the local situation and risk assess activities and events as necessary
- Report outbreaks or episodes of concern to Cheshire East to get advice on additional measures or testing
Cheshire East Public Health will monitor the situation and level of school absence and will continue to have a role in advising and implementing actions necessary.
At Ivy Bank, we will be concerned and report if:
- There is a rapid rise in absence in a class/group due to respiratory illnesses.
- There is an absence rate of 20% or more in a class or group due to respiratory illnesses.
- A child or adult is admitted to hospital
- Confirmed or possible cases are seen in groups involving clinically vulnerable individuals
- Staff absence is having an impact on business continuity
NHS updated list of symptoms for children
Frequently Asked Questions
Should adults and children with symptoms get a test? Access to free testing has now ended. Anyone showing symptoms may take a test if they can, either from kits they have at home or by buying them but it is not mandatory and schools should not ask for evidence of a positive test. Schools will not be provided with routine test kits as these will only be provided for staff who work very closely with clinically vulnerable individuals who are at risk of serious illness
How long should someone stay away from school who has symptoms but does not have a positive test? Staff and children should not attend if they have a high temperature and/or feel too unwell to carry out their normal activities. They should return when their temperature is normal and they are well enough to carry out their normal activities.
Can children attend school/setting if they have symptoms but no temperature? Children with slight cough, sore throat or runny nose can attend as long as they are well enough to carry out normal activities and do not have a raised temperature. In such cases, they should be supported to follow the advice re. respiratory hygiene such as coughing/sneezing into tissues and regular handwashing.
Is a negative LFT needed before an individual can return to school/setting? No – an individual can return after the advised number of days as long as they are well.
Can a pupil or staff attend if they feel well and/or have no symptoms but have a positive test? No, the guidance is clear that they should stay away for a set number of days, even if they are well and symptom free. They may be infectious during this time so coming into school/setting poses a high risk of passing the infection on to others.
Will there be further access to test kits? If there are high levels of absence which may be COVID related or if there are vulnerable individuals involved then further test kits may be issued after discussion with the COVID/Public Health teams.
What advice can be given to staff and parents/carers on what to do if they have a respiratory infection, (including COVID-19) Guidance for people with symptoms of respiratory infections, including COVID-19
Please see attached files detailing the catch-up premium grant including how it is intended to be spent and how the effect the expenditure will have on educational attainment will be assessed.