Ivy Bank Primary School Logo Illuminating ValuableYears, Building and NurturingKnowledge



Remote learning for Friday 10th January

The following activities are for all children

For this activity, you can make a drum out of anything you can find - you could even just clap your hands if you wanted.

Next you will need to listen to some music - you might find it on the radio, on the TV or on an online streaming service.

See if you can tap out the beat of the song that you are listening to.

Does it keep to the same speed throughout the whole song?

Is the beat easy to hear?

If you turn down the music, can you keep time until the music is turned back up again?

Click on the Animals of the Rainforest PowerPoint above and enjoy the slides of all the amazing animals if you would like to.

Go through a second time and see if you and your child can answer the questions together.

For our Reception children enjoy the slides and point out the wonderful colours and attributes to them, share with them what your favourite animal on the PowerPoint is and see if they have on.


This is a very simple recipe that children will be able to help with or even make independently.

You will need:

1 cup of plain flour

1/2 cup of salt

1/2 cup of water

Mix the ingredients in a bowl until you have created a dough.

Once the dough is made, let your children create shapes and models that can then be baked in the oven to preserve (bake for approx 4 hours on a baking tray on your oven's lowest setting).

Once the creations are baked you can then enjoy painting whatever you have made.

EYFS - Thursday 9.1.25

Listen to the story Little Red Riding Hood

KS1 English: Little Red Riding Hood - BBC Teach

Complete the Numberblocks activity

Numberblocks Make and Play Game - CBeebies

Learn about the different numbers through the following videos.

Numberblocks - BBC iPlayer

Use the link below for songs, stories and movement activities.

Playtime - BBC Teach

Tawny - Thursday 9.1.25

Use the link to move while counting and then work your way through the maths lesson. There is an awful lot of language so if it becomes overwhelming don't carry on.

KS1 Maths: Counting with John Farnworth - BBC Teach


Speaking and listening activity.


Write a question for me to answer.

Choose to listen to one of the stories using the link below.

English KS1/KS2: Full versions of our animated series - BBC Teach

Barn - Thursday 9.1.25

Use the link below to access a lesson using 10p. There will be a lot of language used, so feel free to watch it and adapt the lesson to your child.


Use the link below to complete a speaking and listening activity.


Choose story to listen to.

English KS1/KS2: Full versions of our animated series - BBC Teach


Ivy Bank Primary School

Valley Road Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 8PB

Mrs Sarah Gill | Headteacher

01625 448014
